Who needs a relocation specialist?

Anyone moving to a new community who would like to quickly be freed from the details of the move and begin living their life as soon as possible.

Who do you work for?

Simply put YOU! Our commitment is your happiness and although we are knowledgeable of third party service providers in the region, our recommendations are based on your unique needs and not on a pre-arranged financial agreement with service providers. You are the customer.

What does a relocation specialist do?

A relocation specialist familiarizes you with the city and connects you with the services and your physical requirements in your new community. This includes anything needed to help you establish yourself and your lifestyle so that you can focus on the reason you are in Vancouver.

What services do you provide?

The three main areas of Service are 1) Orientation – familiarization with Vancouver and help visualizing your life here, 2) Transition – all registration and logistical set up of your move, 3) Settlement – full assistance with all service hook ups for your new home, internet, phone, cable packages – verification and follow up for all registered programs, services and neighborhood support.

What information do you need from me?

We will take you through a detailed initial consultation process either over the phone, on Skype or in person. Although you may not have detailed information at hand, this can easily be provided, if needed, during a proposal discussion.

Consultation, feedback and follow up are an integral part of our process at each step along the way. This enables opportunities for further customization and tailoring to your needs as they arise.

What time commitment is required?

Initial Consultations will typically take an hour with flexibility for extra time should the need arise. A standard Orientation package is a two-day introduction and familiarization with the city. This can be tailored to be more or less intensive according to your needs.

After you have a better picture of your future in Vancouver, a to-do list will be drawn up with a proposal for the items you would like our help with. The time commitment therefore is flexible.

What does it cost?

Ridout Relocation charges a daily rate and is available in packages tailored to suit you and your family’s needs: Orientation, temporary or permanent housing search, school finding, government registration assistance.

What do you do?

Ridout Relocation is committed to offering each family member a solid foundation and successful settlement in your new community in an efficient and timely manner. Ridout Relocation starts with you and your needs, maps out a strategic proposal with flexibility for change, and follows through with tracked execution and completed results.

What don’t you do?

We are not realtors. A realtor has a specialized knowledge of the intricate business of finding you a house and we are happy to recommend one to you. Recommendations only involve specialized agents who we think suit your particular needs. We will work along side you to help you with the process and help as an unbiased advisor.

When do I need to contact you?

Give Ridout Relocation a call as soon as you are thinking about moving to Vancouver.

When do I need to use a relocation specialist?

  • The top reason for relocation failure is a family’s inability to adjust to a new community. For Corporations hiring and relocating costs can range from one to five times an employee’s salary. Our stated goal is successful settlement and relocation, which helps you have happier employees with less cost.
  • Some realtors may offer a few of our services. We are specialists and make it our business to deliver your answers and services on a scheduled, timely and accountable basis. If you are new to Vancouver or busy with a career that brought you here, we are available to set up your lifestyle the way you would like. Think of us as your assistants during your move.

When do we get started?

For Corporations and Candidates

    • Ideally a short listed candidate for a position in Vancouver can be prepared to accept a move to Vancouver before being offered the position. This will shorten the negotiation phase of your hiring process and enable you to get the staff in place as efficiently and contentedly as possible.

For House Purchasers and Newly Immigrated

    • Drop us a line as soon as you are ready to begin your Vancouver move. Ridout Relocation reveals what is available for you in your community and makes sure you are set up in your new home. Guiding you through the process will help you engage earlier in your new life.

Why do I need a relocation specialist?

If you want to feel at home in your new environment as quickly as possible a relocation specialist can alleviate the complexity! Knowing everyone’s situation is unique, we offer a personalized service to meet the practical and not-so-practical issues facing you AND every other member of your family when you relocate.

House Purchasers – If you have already purchased a home, we will help you build out your community and environment there.

How does the process work?

The Ridout Relocation process begins and ends with you. An Initial Consultation will help you think through the significant steps in your move. A Proposal will be presented to you with First Steps to address those requirements. After making sure this is what you would like, a timeline is finalized. As new needs are revealed, we incorporate them into the plan.

How much time does it take?

Depending on the stage of Service we can tailor anything from a two-day package to an open ended package with services agreed to along the way.

How are you compensated?

Ridout Relocation charges a daily rate. The number of days required for your services is discussed up front and reported in a Proposal.

How are you different than other companies?

Ridout Relocation has been founded by Antoinette Ridout who was focused on her career as an Investment Executive as she went through a full relocation to Vancouver. We understand the demands of a high performance job and a complex family life combined. Alleviating the stresses associated with having two all encompassing priorities is our mission.